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CREATOR: @peter

A Cruz da Vida - The Cross of Life 1/10

This NFT is a part of this collection: Vitraal Universe

"Just looking at this stained glass made me feel more alive, not that I believe the stories of the villagers, but it's probably a feeling that comes from the stunning beauty that this work presents."



303.23 Bn

$ 13.23

Hi, i'm Peter! I love art in all its forms. - I'm working on a project and I appreciate if you can help me by purchasing an NFT. - My art has different inspirations, above all inspired by more than 140 years of tradition of my family with restoration and creation of stained glass and mosaics. Just Keep walking and never give up!

7/31/2021 2:28 AM
Listed for $13.23
303.23 Bn
7/31/2021 2:23 AM
7/31/2021 2:06 AM