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CREATOR: @luvcraftart

Captain William

This NFT is a part of this collection: pAInted

Captain William Thompson had always dreamed of soaring through the skies. As a child, he would spend hours gazing up at the airplanes that flew over his family's farm, their rumbling engines creating a symphony of adventure. His heart would skip a beat every time one roared overhead, and he would imagine himself in the cockpit, guiding the aircraft through the vast expanse of the heavens. With unwavering determination, William pursued his dream of becoming a pilot. He dedicated himself to his studies, honed his skills, and eventually earned his wings. He found himself piloting commercial airliners, traversing the world with passengers, and living the life many envied. Yet, deep down, there was a whisper in his soul that longed for something different. One day, while on a layover in a small countryside town, William stumbled upon a quaint, picturesque farm for sale. The vibrant green fields, the gentle breeze that rustled through the crops, and the simple serenity of the place stirred something within him. He found himself irresistibly drawn to the idea of tilling the soil, of nurturing life from the earth. The thought of trading his pilot's uniform for overalls ignited a new passion within William. He spent his layovers researching farming techniques, attending agricultural conferences, and seeking advice from experienced farmers. The more he learned, the more his heart yearned for a simpler life—a life where he could cultivate the land and provide sustenance to others. ---- AI based, refined in Procreate and Photoshop. Printable up to: 100 cm by 100 cm 11811px by 11811px at 300dpi JPG 59,9 MB

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333 Bn

$ 18.95

Multi discipline NFT artist from Germany.

6/26/2023 8:00 AM
Listed for $18.95
333 Bn
6/26/2023 7:58 AM
6/26/2023 7:58 AM