{{ likesCount }} {{ likesCount > 1 ? 'likes' : 'like' }}
CREATOR: @luvcraft

The 70s - 015 - Clackers (common)

This NFT is a part of this collection: The 70s

Clackers were two heavy acrylic balls attached to a string. You basically knocked the two balls together as fast as you could. Unfortunately the balls busted into sharp acrylic shards if you overdid it. That‘s why they were eventually pulled from the stores.


PRICE: (10 / 10)

2 Bn

$ 0.04

  • Created: Oct 2, 2021 at 9:00 PM
  • Category: Visual Art
  • Royalty: 10%
  • View IPFS metadata: View
  • View on IPFS: View
  • Bscscan: View

Cris Frickenschmidt aka „Luvcraft“ is a multi discipline artist from Germany. Traveling Europe as a performing musician, Luvcraft draws inspiration from visiting new places and meeting new people. The terms valid for all NFTs offered by luvcraft on this platform can be found here: Luvcraft Discord:

10/2/2021 9:02 PM
Listed 10 × $0.04
2 Bn
10/2/2021 9:00 PM
10/2/2021 9:00 PM