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CREATOR: @luvcraft

Morlac | TRAPPED! | 09

This NFT is a part of these collections: TRAPPED!, trapped!

Morlac, the blue werewolf, is a haunting and enigmatic creature that straddles the line between the human and the supernatural, embodying the fusion of two disparate worlds. In its human form, Morlac is an imposing figure. He stands tall and possesses a broad, muscular build, his features sharp and striking. His hair is an inky shade of midnight blue, cascading around his shoulders in a wild, untamed mane. His eyes are a piercing, icy green, with an intensity that seems to see through the very soul of those who meet his gaze.

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250 Bn

$ 11.40

Cris Frickenschmidt aka „Luvcraft“ is a multi discipline artist from Germany. Traveling Europe as a performing musician, Luvcraft draws inspiration from visiting new places and meeting new people. The terms valid for all NFTs offered by luvcraft on this platform can be found here: Luvcraft Discord:

3/5/2024 10:06 AM
Bought for $11.40
250 Bn
10/16/2023 1:52 PM
Listed for $11.40
250 Bn
10/16/2023 1:51 PM
10/16/2023 1:50 PM