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CREATOR: @luvcraft

Gonderon | TRAPPED! | 01

This NFT is a part of these collections: TRAPPED!, TRAPPED | Collected by Fleur de LiS

Gonderon, the burning tree root monster, is a formidable and enigmatic creature lurking within the depths of the ancient forest. His body consists of gnarled, sinewy tree roots, intertwined and covered in charred, ashy remnants of bark. His eyes burn with an eerie, fiery glow, casting an otherworldly light in the darkness of the forest. Gonderon's limbs, like the branches of the trees surrounding him, twist and contort with an unnatural flexibility. His very presence radiates an aura of both danger and mystique. As a guardian of the forest's core, he wields the power of fire, his roots smoldering with an eternal, elemental flame that dances with an unpredictable intensity. He is a creature of paradox, simultaneously embodying the destructive force of fire and the enduring strength of ancient tree roots. Gonderon stands as a sentinel of the forest, a symbol of the delicate balance between chaos and preservation in the heart of the woods.

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200 Bn

$ 10.18

Cris Frickenschmidt aka „Luvcraft“ is a multi discipline artist from Germany. Traveling Europe as a performing musician, Luvcraft draws inspiration from visiting new places and meeting new people. The terms valid for all NFTs offered by luvcraft on this platform can be found here: Luvcraft Discord:

10/22/2023 8:28 AM
Bought for $10.18
200 Bn
10/2/2023 3:10 PM
Listed for $10.18
200 Bn
10/2/2023 3:09 PM
10/2/2023 3:09 PM