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CREATOR: @jaio_dosanjos

Window 14 - Advent Calendar

This NFT is a part of this collection: Advent Calendar

On the 14th day of advent's embrace, In a snowy night's gentle grace, Two silhouettes danced, love's sweet trance, A man and a woman, their hearts enhance. Figures of wire, sturdy and tall, A symbol of love, destined not to fall, Their bond unbreakable, forever strong, In the stillness of night, they belong. Trees adorned with purest snow, A backdrop for love's exquisite show, Each flake a witness to their deep connection, A testament to love's divine perfection. Emotions intertwine, their souls unite, In this scene of art, love takes flight, A story of passion, a tale so true, Renewing love's vows, forever anew. In this snowy night, love's beauty unfolds, A poignant story, never to be untold, On the 14th day of advent's embrace, Love's fervor lingers, leaving no trace.

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$ 58.59

"My art wants to impress with quality and attention to detail and stand out from the crowd with its very own style." Jaio DosAnjos is an artist from Portugal living and working in Germany. Her abstract, acrylic artworks are in the possession of collectors around the globe. Some of her latest paintings had been exhibited and sold at A.R.T 2021 - Art Revolution Taipei, Taiwan. Other collectors are from the United States, UK, Germany and Austria

12/14/2023 8:16 AM
Listed for $58.59
12/14/2023 8:14 AM
12/14/2023 8:13 AM