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CREATOR: @ifeelslick

CryptoAK47 - The Revival 004

This NFT is a part of this collection: CryptoAK47s - The Revival

I used to have this idea back in February of making custom weapon skins, but I feel like I finally got the right fit for it. Before you complain these are for gaming skins not for an actual AK47! Just an admirer of beauty on weapons and especially skins! Piece includes: - Video - Track - Kickass Piece

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43.81 Bn

$ 2.83

Self taught artist from South Africa! I just like creating art and making it into a reality.

11/1/2021 1:32 PM
Listed for $2.83
43.81 Bn
11/1/2021 1:30 PM
11/1/2021 1:29 PM