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Hi! I am Nici, photographer from Germany. My series are more or less experimental, I work with different models and like to live out creative ideas. Now I would like to take some first steps into the NFT world. You can find my terms for the sale of NFTs here: https://www.fotogra4bar.de/nft-terms/


BeBart is a series featuring bearded men in all sorts of situation. This series was collected over the course of five years. There is also a physical book available for this series. The word "BeBart" does not exist, yet in German, you would be able to understand it as "bearded".

Gläserne Sphären

My "Gläserne Sphären" series features photos that all feature at least one glass ball. The name of the series is made up of two German words: Gläsern (glassy) and Sphären (spheres). --- You can find my terms for the sale of NFTs here: https://www.fotogra4bar.de/nft-terms/


My "Blumenmädchen" series features different colors expressed by girls & colors. You can find my terms for the sale of NFTs here: https://www.fotogra4bar.de/nft-terms/


A collection of various beauty shots.


My "MenschenFarbenMaterialien" series features different people in combination with materials and/or colors. The name of the series is made up of three German words: Menschen (humans), Farben (Colors) and Materialien (materials). --- You can find my terms for the sale of NFTs here: https://www.fotogra4bar.de/nft-terms/

Lucian and Luvcraft

For many years I have been a chronicler of the journey of Lucian and Luvcraft and have made many differnt photoshoots over the year. Now you can collect a piece from their history! This one is part of a photoshoot for "Analoge Stereoide". --- You can find my terms for the sale of NFTs here: https://www.fotogra4bar.de/nft-terms/


All kinds of collaborative work


When bodies get out of control... "Bruchlandung" is German and roughly translates as "Crash Landing". This series is a tribute to one of my favorite photographers. Enjoy and be part of the fun! You can find my terms for the sale of NFTs here: https://www.fotogra4bar.de/nft-terms/


Welcome to my mini series for the Christmas season. You can find my terms for the sale of NFTs here: https://www.fotogra4bar.de/nft-terms/

Lights & Metal

This collection is part of my "Gläserne Sphären" series. It is made with a glass ball, a sheet of metal, Led Strips and long time exposure. You can find my terms for the sale of NFTs here: https://www.fotogra4bar.de/nft-terms/