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CREATOR: @trizzytrunk

F L O W E V E R Tres

This NFT is a part of this collection: Moving art

F L O W E V E R Tres: When surrounded by something so wonderful it's often hard to see the reality. although we must not get clouded by the flowers. Topsy turvy as things may seem, we must be self aware to blink and not get lost in the rose tint. This is a hand done Digital Decay mp4 loop which is a form of glitch art that I have pioneered over the last 12 years. "F L O W E V E R Tres" was created by destroying time lapses of flowers opening through meta verse lazers. Collab with music by Kai

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767.64 Bn

$ 37.71

Trizzy Trunk: (analog name Troy Erickson, born 1987, based in Vancouver BC) is driven by motion art and captivated by consciousness and technology. His/their glitch art builds tension between analog and digital, connecting the meta-verse with human awareness and lived emotions. The observer is thus drawn towards reflection and introspection. 🖱️🎨💞💾 The artist is a predominant figure in the glitch art community and has specialized in data moshing - a specific video editing process where interlaced frames are first isolated and then manipulated to a point where the file almost becomes corrupted. The artist has pushed this exciting new art form to the unprecedented realm of “Digital Decay”.

7/24/2021 3:00 PM
Won auction $37.71
767.64 Bn
7/24/2021 4:35 AM
Put on auction #1000
767.64 Bn
7/24/2021 4:31 AM
7/24/2021 4:28 AM