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CREATOR: @sebulec

Fallen Angelica

Looped animation inspired by fantasy album covers and Polish queer singer - Bella Ćwir Displayed in Piktogram Gallery, Warsaw as a part of "Sensualization" exhibition, 2020



644.7 Bn

$ 38.27

Sebastian Sebulec studied Animated Film at the Faculty of Graphic Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He works with 3D graphics, animation, and game engines; he pays particular attention to the figures of virtual companions, avatars, and guides. He is also inspired by the culture and aesthetics of online fandoms.

6/21/2021 12:27 PM
Listed for $38.27
644.7 Bn
6/21/2021 12:27 PM
6/21/2021 12:24 PM