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CREATOR: @pluton_cat


It's been several months since the zombie apocalypse has spread all over the world. The decision back then was something I thought was good. I have prepared for survival in this abyss. I learned to grow vegetables to provide food for the day. I just thought that in this world that collapsed There were still some survivors. I hope he sees the smoke and my SOS symbol . It's really lonely with no one to talk to. Besides my guitar prepared on this too lonely Maybe I want to end this. But that's where my name is MR.Hope, even though hope is flickering But I will stand up for it. . May the hope be with you . The Last Hope . #### Pluton_cat #### Thank you so much everyone for your support of Mr. Hope. As we all know, there will be no more Mr.Hope collection. Hope you still follow and support me. Even the small things you do, whether like, share, follow or buy my work. It's something I feel extremely honored with.

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35 Bn

$ 1.91

Hi thank you for looking my profile Don't forget to follow me on twitter and enter art Link :

9/23/2021 4:22 PM
Won auction $1.91
35 Bn
9/22/2021 9:20 PM
Put on auction #2239
35 Bn
9/22/2021 9:19 PM
9/22/2021 9:18 PM