{{ likesCount }} {{ likesCount > 1 ? 'likes' : 'like' }}
CREATOR: @plasticcontrast

||| WAITING ||| WARTEN |||

This NFT is a part of this collection: ||| BEING A STRANGER FOR 30 SECONDS

||| This picture is part of the art book BEING A STRANGER FOR 30 SECONDS from 2022 by Janko Sebök. ||| Dieses Bild ist Teil des Kunstbuches 30 SEKUNDEN FREMD aus dem Jahr 2022 von Janko Sebök. |||



352.36 Bn

$ 20.70

Hi there, my name is Janko Sebök from Hamburg and here you can see some of my artworks, which was created through different projects.

5/27/2022 8:11 PM
Listed for $20.70
352.36 Bn
5/27/2022 8:10 PM
5/27/2022 8:04 PM