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CREATOR: @phase4

#Five (hum)

One of a long series of images made from found physical photographs and negatives in my collection. These have come to me from all over the world. Each image is a random part of a puzzle that will build an intricate story over time. The order of a listing is not an indication of the location in the story. In most cases any people portrayed in the images are long gone-each individual existence evaporated into the ether. A photograph can often be the only evidence a soul ever walked this planet. Tension. This is a clue. More will be revealed over time. All original hard copies of the negatives and prints these art works are made from will be stored safely in an album. At some time in the future the physical album will be auctioned in one lot. The last image made into an NFT will state clearly that the story process is complete. My work on this task will then be done.

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