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CREATOR: @peter

Pintura no muro - Wall painting #1

This NFT is a part of these collections: Vitraal Universe, Abstractas.Art RARITY Rare🟠

English: This artwork is the first to fund a entire project i'm working on. This is an artwork and a preview of the original art i will mint later. I also will mint others soon. I will be very grateful if you help me with it. God bless you. "This painting was so well painted that it is impossible not to identify what it was inspired by and difficult to accept that a child did it. In the short time I've spent here so far, this monument portrayed on the wall, and I believe this is the term to be used, was the one that stood out the most because I've seen it since I arrived and would see it even if I didn't want to. Its brightness and beauty are enhanced every time the sun goes down." Português: Esta arte é a primeira a financiar um projeto inteiro no qual estou trabalhando. Esta é uma obra de arte e uma prévia da arte original que irei cunhar mais tarde. Eu também vou cunhar outros em breve. Ficarei muito grato se você me ajudar com isso. Deus o abençoe. "Esta pintura foi tão bem pintada que é impossível não identificar no que foi inspirada e difícil aceitar que uma criança a tenha feito. No pouco tempo que passei aqui até agora, este monumento retratado no muro, e acredito que este é o termo a ser usado, foi o que mais se destacou pois o vi desde que cheguei e o veria mesmo que não quisesse. Seu brilho e beleza são realçados toda vez que o sol se põe."

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PRICE: (20k / 20k)

0.11 Bn

$ 0.01

  • Created: Jul 4, 2021 at 4:24 PM
  • Category: Visual Art
  • Royalty: 20%
  • View IPFS metadata: View
  • View on IPFS: View
  • Bscscan: View

Hi, i'm Peter! I love art in all its forms. - I'm working on a project and I appreciate if you can help me by purchasing an NFT. - My art has different inspirations, above all inspired by more than 140 years of tradition of my family with restoration and creation of stained glass and mosaics. Just Keep walking and never give up!

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