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CREATOR: @multi_realm_nfts

Lord Shiva

This NFT is a part of this collection: Hindu Mythology

Hindu Name: शिव Shiva is the Hindu God of destruction and restoration. His aspect is usually terrifying, but it can also be gentle. Info: Shiva is usually depicted as white, from the ashes of corpses that are smeared on his body, with a blue neck, from holding poison in his throat.



85 Bn

$ 5.65

All about mythology and history Close up Figures. Can be used for Profile Pictures as well. For custom mythology or historical figures the price is 120Bn $NFTART. Please send us a direct message.

2/28/2023 8:58 AM
Listed for $5.65
85 Bn
2/28/2023 8:56 AM
2/28/2023 8:52 AM