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CREATOR: @maba


This NFT is a part of this collection: Tarot Cards - Full Deck in Progress

**any owner of a single NFT card will be eligible to receive the full printed deck!** This is the seventeenth card in an exclusive NFT Tarot deck based in (art and tarot) history. Each card represents the traditional tarot meaning based on my study of the earliest decks known (from Egypt/Middle East and France/Europe). for more info and to reserve the full printed deck! Early religion -- including mythology, ancient texts, lore, and stories passed through generations around the world -- are all represented in the tarot. Rather than a strange fortune telling mechanism, I regard the tarot as a fascinating look into how modern philosophies have been shaped, how the sacred practices of our ancestors have shaped us, and also literally the first collection/artifact representing modern playing cards and gaming. Each card includes: • (top) - Celestial body generally associated with the card • (upper left) - Alchemical symbol for the element associated with the card • (upper right) - Roman/proper numeral associated with the card • (lower right) - Chakra/frequency color associated with the card • (lower left) - Zodiac sign/symbol associated with the card and... • a central feature with nature and color as the "characters" that convey the emotional intent of the card • cadence: one card minted each week for 88 weeks • once the deck is fully minted, a physical printed deck will be produced and *any* owner of a single NFT card will be eligible to receive the full printed deck Thank you, I hope you enjoy!

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55.56 Bn

$ 3.09

*original beta artist* I love pixels and color and finding surrealism on Earth. I've been creating digital art for many moons. I have a 20+ year long career as a software designer specializing in Finance and Regulatory sectors. That was kind of boring, but now this intersection of new finance technology and digital art having a place on stage is extremely - exciting! Enjoy!

10/21/2021 3:38 AM
Listed for $3.09
55.56 Bn
10/21/2021 3:36 AM
10/21/2021 3:35 AM