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CREATOR: @luvcraftart

Maya: Falling Apart

This NFT is a part of this collection: pAInted

Once a confident woman, Maya now lived in constant fear of falling apart. It all began when her life took an unexpected turn. Her marriage crumbled, and her once thriving career hit a dead end. Maya's fear consumed her every waking moment. She felt like a fragile porcelain doll, one wrong move away from shattering into a million pieces. Anxiety clenched her heart, squeezing out any remnants of joy or hope. Every day, she wore a brave face, but inside, she was crumbling. Her relationships suffered as she withdrew, afraid of getting too close and revealing her inner chaos. She avoided risks, always seeking safety in familiar routines. Even the smallest setbacks triggered overwhelming panic. Maya's mind spun with catastrophic thoughts, envisioning her life spiraling out of control. She couldn't escape the nagging fear that she was destined for failure and despair. One day, while browsing through a bookstore, Maya stumbled upon a self-help book titled "Embracing Imperfection." Intrigued, she decided to give it a chance. The book challenged her beliefs about perfection and control, urging her to embrace vulnerability and take risks. Maya realized that her fear of falling apart stemmed from an unattainable pursuit of perfection. She had equated her worth with her ability to hold everything together, but in doing so, she had forgotten to be kind to herself. Inspired, Maya started confronting her fears one by one. She reached out to old friends, opening up about her struggles. She took on new challenges at work, allowing herself to make mistakes and learn from them. --- AI based, refined in Procreate and Photoshop. Printable up to: 75 cm by 100 cm 8897px by 11811px at 300dpi JPG 62,2 MB

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333 Bn

$ 18.45

Multi discipline NFT artist from Germany.

5/18/2023 9:14 AM
Listed for $18.45
333 Bn
5/18/2023 9:13 AM
5/18/2023 9:12 AM