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CREATOR: @luvcraftart

Dreaming Elaine

This NFT is a part of this collection: pAInted

One night, Elaine had a particularly vivid dream in which she was visited by a beautiful woman who told her that she had been chosen to embark on a great journey. The woman gave her a small, intricately carved box and told her to keep it safe, for it held a great power that was needed to save the world. When Elaine woke up, she was filled with excitement and wonder. She knew that she had to set out on her journey immediately, so she packed a small bag and set off into the forest. As she traveled deeper into the woods, Elaine encountered many strange and wondrous creatures. She met talking animals, wise old trees, and even a dragon who offered to help her on her quest. Finally, after many days of travel, Elaine reached a great mountain range. She climbed to the top of the highest peak and opened the box that the woman in her dream had given her. Inside, she found a crystal that glowed with a bright, pulsating light. Suddenly, Elaine understood what she needed to do. She held the crystal up to the sky and focused all her energy on it. As she did, she felt the power of her dreams surging through her, and a beam of light shot out from the crystal and filled the sky. The world was bathed in a warm, comforting glow, and Elaine knew that she had done what she was meant to do. She had used the power of her dreams to bring light and hope to the world, and she felt a sense of fulfillment and joy that she had never known before. AI based, refined in Procreate and Photoshop. Printable up to: 100 cm by 132,76 cm 11811px by 15680px at 300dpi JPG 74,9 MB

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300 Bn

$ 17.49

Multi discipline NFT artist from Germany.

5/5/2023 9:32 AM
Listed for $17.49
300 Bn
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5/5/2023 9:30 AM