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CREATOR: @luvcraftart

CyberCity 2088: Roquette Alpha

This NFT is a part of this collection: CyberCity 2088

Roquette Alpha is a renowned female cyber rock guitar star in the dystopian world of CyberCity. With her electrifying stage presence, high-energy performances, and a unique blend of cyberpunk aesthetics and rock music, she has become an iconic figure in the city's underground music scene. Her music reflects the gritty and technologically-driven atmosphere of CyberCity, featuring powerful guitar riffs, futuristic synthesizers, and rebellious lyrics that resonate with the disenfranchised citizens of this dystopian world. Roquette Alpha is not only a musical sensation but also a symbol of resistance against the oppressive forces that control CyberCity, inspiring hope and defiance in the hearts of its inhabitants.

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400 Bn

$ 20.00

Multi discipline NFT artist from Germany.

11/6/2023 10:51 AM
Listed for $20.00
400 Bn
11/6/2023 10:50 AM
11/6/2023 10:49 AM