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CREATOR: @luvcraftart

All Beauty Fades

This NFT is a part of this collection: pAInted

All beauty fades, like the colors of the sunset sky, Leaves fall, flowers wilt, and seasons pass by. The world is fleeting, and time is unforgiving, As we watch the beauty of life slowly withering. The mountains that once stood tall and proud, Are now worn down, their jagged peaks eroded and bowed. The oceans that once shimmered like jewels, Are now murky, polluted, and full of refuse. The love that once burned bright and strong, Is now a memory, a forgotten song. The laughter that once filled the air, Is now silent, replaced by despair. All beauty fades, like the memories of the past, The moments we cherished, never meant to last. The people we loved, now gone forever, Leaving behind only the echoes of their laughter. And yet, amidst the pain and sorrow, A glimmer of hope shines through tomorrow. For even as beauty fades, it leaves behind, A legacy of love, that forever will bind. --- AI based, refined in Procreate and Photoshop. Printable up to: 90 cm by 90 cm 10630px by 10630px at 300dpi JPG 76,7 MB

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330 Bn

$ 18.70

Multi discipline NFT artist from Germany.

5/10/2023 1:57 PM
Listed for $18.70
330 Bn
5/10/2023 1:54 PM
5/10/2023 1:53 PM