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CREATOR: @littleengineart

The Bunfather - CryptoBun#11

This NFT is a part of this collection: Bun Collection

He’s going to make you an offer you can’t refuse - 2021 Fathers Day exclusive - CryptoBun#11




$ 68.53

I am a self taught artist who dabbles in all mediums. My focus on here is creating NFTattoos and CryptoBunz! I often design tattoos or get requests from people to get one of my designs tattooed, so I wanted to make a way for people to acquire a design that they like and ensure that it stays their own if they want :) Each NFTattoo design is created for the purpose of becoming a tattoo, and each is unique and will only be created once. CryptoBunz is a collectible bunny herd for your enjoyment:) Each bunny is unique and there will never be another one like it! Let’s take over the world with bunny cuteness! The future is #BUNNIES @cryptobunz

12/24/2021 8:10 AM
Listed for $68.53
12/5/2021 5:20 AM
10/23/2021 6:12 PM
Listed for $2.61
60 Bn
10/17/2021 5:10 PM
Auction canceled
10/14/2021 6:21 PM
Put on auction #2424
60 Bn
9/26/2021 8:36 PM
9/14/2021 6:51 PM
Listed for $2.61
60 Bn
9/14/2021 5:45 PM
9/7/2021 4:27 PM
Listed for $4.36
100 Bn
9/2/2021 5:42 PM
ERC-1155 swap
9/2/2021 5:42 PM
Burned  1x 
9/2/2021 4:49 PM
8/16/2021 11:26 PM
Listed for $130.72
3,000.1 Bn
6/21/2021 6:24 AM
Bought for $2.61
60 Bn
6/21/2021 6:09 AM
Listed for $2.61
60 Bn
6/21/2021 6:08 AM
6/21/2021 6:07 AM