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CREATOR: @jaio_dosanjos

Window 2 - Advent Calendar

This NFT is a part of this collection: Advent Calendar

I turn my gaze inward, my thoughts deep, Contemplating the promises I seek to keep. The world outside may be filled with noise, But within me, a sacred calm deploys, For on this journey, I find solace rare, In the quiet moments of solemn prayer. I ponder the meaning of this blessed time, When a star once shone, so bright and sublime, Guiding the wise men with celestial glow, To where the infant King lay, humble and low. And as I reflect on that wondrous sight, I'm reminded that even in darkness, there's light, For the advent of love brings a radiant flame, That ignites our hearts with the hope it proclaims. In these days of waiting, I'll seek to explore, The depths of my soul, its longings restore, For in this season of anticipation and grace, I'll find strength to mend what's been misplaced. So, on this second day of Advent's embrace, I'll dwell in reflection, my heart's quiet space, Contemplating the gifts I long to impart, To heal a broken world, to mend every heart.

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$ 59.72

"My art wants to impress with quality and attention to detail and stand out from the crowd with its very own style." Jaio DosAnjos is an artist from Portugal living and working in Germany. Her abstract, acrylic artworks are in the possession of collectors around the globe. Some of her latest paintings had been exhibited and sold at A.R.T 2021 - Art Revolution Taipei, Taiwan. Other collectors are from the United States, UK, Germany and Austria

12/1/2023 11:40 PM
Listed for $59.72
12/1/2023 2:39 PM
12/1/2023 2:36 PM