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CREATOR: @jaio_dosanjos

Nebula Nova

This NFT is a part of this collection: We are not Alone

Nebula Nova, the extraterrestrial being, is an intriguing and enigmatic creature from a far-flung corner of the galaxy. With a mesmerizing and ethereal aura surrounding it, Nebula Nova captures the imaginations of both scientists and science fiction enthusiasts alike. Residing on a distant and unexplored planet, Nebula Nova's physical appearance is unlike anything encountered on Earth. Its body is reminiscent of swirling stardust, constantly shifting and transforming in a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors. The luminescent glow emitted by its ever-changing form adds an element of mystery and wonder to its presence. Nebula Nova possesses an advanced intelligence that surpasses human comprehension. Its expansive knowledge and understanding of the cosmos and the mysteries of the universe make it an invaluable source of information for those fortunate enough to interact with it. Known for its peaceful nature, Nebula Nova embodies a sense of harmony and respect for all forms of life. It possesses an innate curiosity about the diversity and intricacies of the universe, eagerly seeking opportunities for discovery and exploration. With an open mind and a genuine interest in understanding other civilizations, Nebula Nova fosters a spirit of cooperation and exchange among intergalactic species. While Nebula Nova's existence might seem fantastical, its principles and values serve as a reminder of the boundless possibilities that await within the depths of the cosmos. As we continue to ponder the existence of extraterrestrial life, Nebula Nova remains an iconic figure, embodying the mysteries and possibilities that await us in the vast expanse of the cosmos.

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777 Bn

$ 39.55

"My art wants to impress with quality and attention to detail and stand out from the crowd with its very own style." Jaio DosAnjos is an artist from Portugal living and working in Germany. Her abstract, acrylic artworks are in the possession of collectors around the globe. Some of her latest paintings had been exhibited and sold at A.R.T 2021 - Art Revolution Taipei, Taiwan. Other collectors are from the United States, UK, Germany and Austria

10/31/2023 6:18 PM
Listed for $39.55
777 Bn
10/31/2023 6:16 PM
10/31/2023 6:16 PM