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CREATOR: @indira_iofeye

Fluid Faces

A digital artwork collage made from analog abstract painting and photos. The essence of each being includes multiple possibilities of expression in each moment and simultaneously across different dimensions of existence. In the expansive space of Self so many shapes, identifications and transformations can occur. One Being is not reducible to any one of these shapes or identities - it is a possibility of all of them.

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6,648.99 Bn

$ 137.75

Artist working in different media - drawing, painting, digital, video, VJing and installations. On an adventurous journey of creation through intuitive play, experimentation and exploration.

9/27/2021 1:33 AM
Listed for $137.75
6,648.99 Bn
9/13/2021 11:30 PM
Won auction $3.06
147.64 Bn
9/8/2021 7:36 PM
Put on auction #2110
147.64 Bn
9/8/2021 7:36 PM
9/8/2021 7:35 PM