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CREATOR: @indira_iofeye

Fabric of life - emergent weavings

This NFT is a part of these collections: Paintings, Indira Iofeye, Abstract Gems

Digital artwork - created by mixing and digitally manipulating analog works and subsequent digital painting. // In myriads of instances of life, throughout all dimension of its infinite fabric and in every moment, forms, beings and phenomena emerge, morph, transform and return to the formless. Dance of life is simultaneously unfolding across all dimensions all the time, it weaving itself from own fabric in a magnificent everlasting dance of shifting forms.

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6,000 Bn

$ 124.30

Artist working in different media - drawing, painting, digital, video, VJing and installations. On an adventurous journey of creation through intuitive play, experimentation and exploration.

8/12/2022 9:16 PM
Listed for $124.30
6,000 Bn
7/14/2022 8:34 AM
4/12/2022 6:12 AM
Listed for $31.08
1,500 Bn
4/12/2022 6:11 AM
Bought for $3.51
169.63 Bn
9/6/2021 6:54 PM
Listed for $3.51
169.63 Bn
9/6/2021 6:53 PM
9/6/2021 6:52 PM
Listed for $4.69
226.18 Bn
9/6/2021 6:46 PM
9/6/2021 6:45 PM