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CREATOR: @fleurdelisss

#09 - ThE ElementS of LifE - 02

This NFT is a part of this collection: #09 - ThE ElementS of LifE

Fire… Bronze… Fire and bronze are two phenomena that have been intertwined throughout human history. Fire was likely discovered by early humans, and since then, it has been used to cook food, create warmth, and light up the night. Bronze, on the other hand, was discovered much later, and it has had a transformative impact on the development of human civilization. Bronze allowed for the development of tools and weapons that were stronger and more durable than those created from stone or wood. It also allowed for the production of objects with a much higher level of detail and complexity. The use of bronze tools and weapons gave early humans a competitive edge in hunting, warfare, and other areas of life. As civilizations grew and developed, bronze was used to create sculptures, coins, and jewelry, making it one of the most important metals of the ancient world. Fire and bronze have always been closely linked, as the smelting of bronze requires a high temperature that can only be achieved through the heat of a fire. This link has played an essential role in the development of human civilization, and it is likely that without the use of fire and bronze, the world would be a very different place.

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600 Bn

$ 30.24

Mario Dirkx aka DoPLC. Fleur de lis means "lily flower" or "flower of the iris." Flowers like this and especially the "rose" have been used for representing a vast variety of NFTs by Sensual Shapes by Roze (SSbR). This is the NFT Artist Account from DoPLC | Mario Dirkx @ fleurdelisss.

10/10/2023 6:29 AM
Listed for $30.24
600 Bn
10/10/2023 6:25 AM
10/10/2023 6:16 AM