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CREATOR: @fleurdelisss

#08 - MovinG ArT - 02

This NFT is a part of this collection: #08 - MovinG ArT

Feverish Woman 225 ROZ(s)E The biological effects of red are stimulating and active. The color increases heart rate and respiration and induces eating. Red is a warm color that attracts attention and is associated with the body. The color of blood is the colour of life, vitality, energy, strength and passion. If someone is considered iconic, they’re very influential, recognizable, and revered. For example… Feverish Woman ROZ(s)E is iconic, like Peter Paul Rubens is an iconic Belgian painter.

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1,200 Bn

$ 65.96

Mario Dirkx aka DoPLC. Fleur de lis means "lily flower" or "flower of the iris." Flowers like this and especially the "rose" have been used for representing a vast variety of NFTs by Sensual Shapes by Roze (SSbR). This is the NFT Artist Account from DoPLC | Mario Dirkx @ fleurdelisss.

9/16/2023 9:41 AM
Listed for $65.96
1,200 Bn
9/9/2023 11:46 AM
9/9/2023 11:44 AM