{{ likesCount }} {{ likesCount > 1 ? 'likes' : 'like' }}
CREATOR: @enteroutpostgermany

For Elise (Song Visions #0011)

This NFT is a part of this collection: Song Visions Series 2

Close your eyes and think of your favorite song. What is the picture you see in your mind? Song Visions is a unique and growing collection of art cards. --- More information about Song Visions can be found at:


PRICE: (19 / 20)

2 Bn

$ 0.04

  • Created: Feb 6, 2022 at 10:49 AM
  • Category: Visual Art
  • Royalty: 20%
  • View IPFS metadata: View
  • View on IPFS: View
  • Bscscan: View
2/20/2022 3:44 PM
Listed 19 × $0.04
2 Bn
2/20/2022 3:44 PM
Unlisted 19 ×$0.04
2/6/2022 7:23 PM
Bought 1 × $0.04
2 Bn
2/6/2022 6:05 PM
Listed 20 × $0.04
2 Bn
2/6/2022 11:29 AM
2/6/2022 10:49 AM