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CREATOR: @cassart

Inner Monsters - Couple Argument

This NFT is a part of these collections: Inner Monsters, My NFT collection, Unsold Hidden Gems

Let's face it, all couples argue. Whether it be on simple things or things that really affect their living. Some arguing is a part of healthy relationships, finding and solving issue together. But some get too far, breaking hearts and connection on the significant other, encouraging it to part ways. Lack of understanding and bad use of words was the case, no, it was the lack of love, driven by emotions and pride at the current. If you ever had an argument, try to be understanding and respect what they're trying to say. Or else you'll regret it in the future, consume by memories and times you were together, remorse on the day you parted...

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36.11 Bn

$ 1.96

I'm a college student from the Philippines who found salvation and peace at creating digital arts. Cute bunch of collections is what I do. Check out my Gallery on MyOwnVerse! A gallery like no other!

2/5/2022 6:46 PM
Bought for $1.96
36.11 Bn
2/5/2022 6:29 PM
Listed for $1.96
36.11 Bn
2/5/2022 6:27 PM
2/5/2022 6:27 PM