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CREATOR: @benjamin_armijo

Solitude in the Desert

In the painting, we see a young Mexican man sitting in the middle of the desert, surrounded by the vastness of the sand and the deep blue sky. His figure stands out due to the bright-colored clothing he is wearing, which contrasts with the arid and monochromatic environment. The young man's gaze is lost in the horizon, as if he were searching for something or waiting for someone. Perhaps he is reflecting on his life and his place in the world, or maybe he is meditating on the past and the future. The solitude of the desert gives him the opportunity to be with himself, without distractions or external influences.

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91.06 Bn

$ 1.89

Visual artist based in Mexico City

3/16/2023 8:13 PM
Listed for $1.89
91.06 Bn
3/16/2023 8:12 PM
3/16/2023 8:12 PM