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CREATOR: @luvcraftart

CyberCity 2088: Ferris Ilmen

This NFT is a part of this collection: CyberCity 2088

Ferris Ilmen is a skilled and enigmatic cyberrunner, operating in the shadows of the dystopic Cybercity. With a lean and agile build, Ferris is built for stealth and evasion, equipped with high-tech cybernetic implants that make him virtually untraceable in the city's digital landscape. Cloaked in dark, utilitarian attire and a mask that conceals his identity, Ferris specializes in infiltrating the heavily fortified networks of the powerful corporate entities that control the city. He's a master of extracting sensitive information, hacking into secure systems, and carrying out covert missions for underground resistance groups. Ferris is a symbol of subversion and covert rebellion, operating on the fringes of a society where information is power, and the battle for control is often waged in the virtual realm. His actions represent a hope that even in the darkest corners of Cybercity, individuals like him can challenge the status quo and provide a glimmer of light in a world overshadowed by corporate oppression.

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444 Bn

$ 18.61

Multi discipline NFT artist from Germany.

11/3/2023 2:57 PM
Listed for $18.61
444 Bn
11/3/2023 2:56 PM
11/3/2023 2:55 PM