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CREATOR: @jaio_dosanjos

Closer to You

This NFT is a part of this collection: Love and Devotion

In the context of love and devotion, the phrase "closer to you" can mean different things depending on the perspective. Here are a couple of interpretations: 1. Emotional Closeness: When someone says they want to be "closer to you" in the context of love and devotion, it generally refers to a desire for emotional intimacy and connection. This can involve deepening the bond, improving communication, understanding each other's needs and desires, and creating a stronger emotional foundation in the relationship. It suggests a desire for a deeper level of love, trust, and dedication. 2. Physical Proximity: On the other hand, "closer to you" can also refer to physical closeness and proximity. This can imply a desire to be physically near or physically affectionate with the person, such as holding hands, cuddling, or being in close physical contact. Physical closeness can contribute to a sense of security, comfort, and a feeling of being connected to someone on a more intimate level. Ultimately, the meaning of "closer to you" in the context of love and devotion can vary depending on the individual and the specific circumstances. It's essential to have open and honest communication with your partner or loved one to understand their unique interpretation and work towards a mutual understanding of what closeness means to both of you.

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$ 59.53

"My art wants to impress with quality and attention to detail and stand out from the crowd with its very own style." Jaio DosAnjos is an artist from Portugal living and working in Germany. Her abstract, acrylic artworks are in the possession of collectors around the globe. Some of her latest paintings had been exhibited and sold at A.R.T 2021 - Art Revolution Taipei, Taiwan. Other collectors are from the United States, UK, Germany and Austria

10/30/2023 4:14 PM
Listed for $59.53
10/30/2023 4:13 PM
10/30/2023 4:13 PM